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Located at a few km south-east from Meganissi you will find Kastos, known as the last “refuge” of the Ionian island. Here you will find wonderful peaceful beaches and a simple lifestyle. Kastos is a small island with only a few hundred people living on it and thanks to its marvellous beauties make it the perfect destination if you are looking for a quiet and relaxing vacation. The port from where you will have to leave to reach Kastos is called Mitika. There is a 50 minute travel to reach it and during the summer there are daily ferries from monday to saturday. Why choose Kastos? Are you looking for a vacation far away from what is usually known as civilization? If so you should choose Kastos. This is one of the smallest Ionian islands where you will find peace and harmony. All the attractions and beauties are concentrated in the island’s 5 square kilometers. On this island as previously said live less than a 100 people, most of these are old people that during the summer decide to come back to their native island to enjoy their holidays. There are very few cars on Kastos and you can’t bring your own vehicle on the island. For this reason if you want to explore the island, you will have to ask a lift to one of the local people. There aren’t any mountains on Kastos and most of the coast has a very irregular shape (especially in the western coast near Kalamos). In the eastern coast you will find many small beaches that are easy to access. This is also a great place if you are looking for somewhere to go scuba diving or fishing. During the summer it is a popular stop for people that are navigating close to the island in this area of the Ionian sea. In this period you will find a lot more people in the island’s tavern, into one of which you will even find an old windmill. There is also a mini market by the port that sells fruit, vegetables and cheese. Apart from these few places there aren’t any other structures (bank, pharmacy or restaurant) where to buy something on Kastos. An important thing to consider when visiting this island is that here people don’t accept credit cards so you will have to bring plenty of cash.
Kastos (hаs nоthing tο do with Кasоs) is a small islаnd with lοng and narrow shаpe, оff the wеst сοast of mainlаnd Greecе. It belongs tо thе Iοnian islаnd group and althоugh yοu mау have nevеr heard of it, it hаs abоut 80 permanеnt residents.
Namely bеcаuse of its unpоpularitу it is still a very unspοilt аnd сalm placе. The island is аbout 7 km lоng and lеss than 1 кm wide sο it is а goоd chοiсe for hiκеrs. Therе are no high elеvаtiоns but the entirе area is cοverеd by smаll green trеes. The еast coаst is presentеd by multiple small соves nеxt tο each other, оvеr 15 in number, with pebblеs аnd emerald cοlor оf thе sea.
Thesе beaches аrе сonnected via thе main rоаd which runs alοng the sea but no fасilitiеs are prоvided οn thеm. Everything is conсеntrated аrоund the pοrt, еxcept for spоradic hοuses hеre and therе. A holiday оn Kаstοs almost feеls like a hоlidау οn your private island аnd bеach. The wеst coast hаs nо beaсhes, οnly a smаll harbor and a bay called Sarakiniko.
Kastos is one of the most relaxing island’s in the whole in Greece. For this reason if you decide to visit it you will have the chance to enjoy the island’s rhythm and lifestyle. You will also have the chance to practice many different water sports or just visiting one of the many beaches or caves.
If you are planning a relaxing holidays you will have the chance to spend some time at the small bars and taverns located throughout the island while observing the lovely landscape surrounding them. One of the things you must do when visiting Kastos is to get a boat and explore the island’s coast to finmd a quiet and peaceful spot. The sea has a wonderful bright turquoise colours with a wonderful green shade. You can also take a boat trip to the narby small island of Kasos.
Mytikas is the closest port to the mainland if you are travelling from or to Kastos. For this reason, the best way to reach Kastos is to land in Preveza before renting a vehicle and taking a ferry in Mytikas that will take you directly to Kastos. There are also taxi boats that leave from the island of Lefkada before setting off for Kastos, especially during the high season.
Mytikas is the closest port to the mainland if you are travelling from or to Kastos. For this reason, the best way to reach Kastos is to land in Preveza before renting a vehicle and taking a ferry in Mytikas that will take you directly to Kastos. There are also taxi boats that leave from the island of Lefkada before setting off for Kastos, especially during the high season.
The inhabited center where most of the population of Kastos is located is called Kalikerimi, here the tourists that visit the island can find many taverns and apartments where to spend their vacation. Here there aren’t any big structures or hotels but there are a lot of studios and apartments that are rented out by the local people. If you are looking for a place where to spend the night out in Kastos don’t expect to find any big structures or hotels.